Saturday, February 24, 2024
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Throughout Mandarin Museum & Walter Jones Historical Park
Admission: FREE
Generously sponsored by:
Celebrating Black History Month 2024, Mandarin Museum is pleased to partner with Florida Blue and their ASPIRE affinity group for employees of color to present Exhibit Come to Life: The Untold Story of Black Mandarin. The public is invited to:
🍊 View Mandarin Museum’s newest exhibits, including The Untold Story of Black Mandarin
🍊 Visit our historic buildings, including the 1898 St. Joseph’s Mission Schoolhouse for African American Children
🍊 Attend an author talk at 12:00 pm: Greg Estevez, author of Edisto: Migration to Florida, will give a presentation in the Schoolhouse on Mandarin’s historic Gullah Geechee community
🍊 Stroll along the park’s boardwalk, taking in the beauty of the St. Johns River
🍊 Museum docents will be available throughout the exhibits and park, welcoming visitors and providing historical interpretation