Mandarin Museum & Historical Society’s mission is to share the stories of Mandarin’s history, culture, and natural resources. In support of this, we provide quality programming, exhibits, tours, events, and more! You can help us fulfill this mission in one or more of the following ways:
🍊 MONETARY DONATIONS: We appreciate contributions of any amount by…
Credit Card, using the DONATE button below.
Check, mailed to Mandarin Museum, P.O. Box 23601, Jacksonville, FL 32241.
OR in-person at Museum Guest Services by check, cash, or credit card.
🍊 PLANNED GIVING: You can help maintain the history of generations past for the generations to come by including Mandarin Museum & Historical Society in your estate planning. Click here for more information.
🍊 COLLECTIONS DONATIONS: If you have a document, object, or artwork connected to the history of the Mandarin community and would like to donate it to the museum, please contact us by email,
All donations are tax deductible.
Mandarin Museum & Historical Society is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and is registered with the Fla. Div. of Consumer Affairs, Registration No. CH16204. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer services by calling toll-free within the state (800-5435-7352) or by contacting the Division at Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.