St. Joseph’s Mission Schoolhouse, 11 am – 12 pm
April 14, 2018 (reservations required)

Mandarin Museum & Historical Society is excited to offer a very unique opportunity for children and families to come together for a special book reading and discussion of bullying. Retired teacher, administrator and professor of education, Betty J. Bennett, PhD is passionate about children of all ages and has helped teachers, students, and parents alike in efforts to diminish the prevalence of bullying in our society.

Dr. Bennett, who lives in St. Johns County, decided to write a picture book for children that shares the story of a young girl named Helen who is tormented by bullies at school and how she discovers a loving and perceptive friend. In “Why Do I Love Millie?” Helen finds help where she least expects it in coping with the mean girls at school. Millie is Helen’s faithful dog with whom Helen shares the difficulties of her day. The reading level of the book is elementary, however the message and the discussion will be appropriate for all children and parents.

This beautiful book was illustrated by Ed Gamble, former editorial cartoonist for the Florida Times-Union and currently a nationally syndicated cartoonist for King Features.  Mr. Gamble, and his wife Saundra have lived in Mandarin since 1981. He will be happy to autograph, along with Dr. Bennett, any books purchased after the presentation.

The reading will be held in the St. Joseph’s Mission Schoolhouse for African-American Children in Walter Jones Historical Park, 11964 Mandarin Road. Reservations are required due to space limitations. Please email us at with your name and number of attendees. If you are only interested in purchasing the book and meeting the authors, you may come at noon. For more information, please call (904) 268-0784.